Takeover Challenge

Climate Summit 2023 Conference

The Climate Summit was an event hosted by BwD Youth Forum in 2023, with the aim of providing young people with an interactive space to learn about the climate, environment, and share ideas on how they can support in reducing the impact of climate change.

Our Event

  • Over 100 Young People in attendance, from different primary and secondary schools across the borough

  • 3 Interactive Workshops on Recycling, Fast Fashion, and Flooding

  • Youth Led by the BwD Youth Forum

Our Aims

  • To be able to provide young people with a youth led interactive event to learnt about the importance of Sustainability, Climate Change, and the environment

  • To collaborate and generate new ideas for how we can reduce the impacts of climate change

  • To feedback directly to decision makers on young people’s climate and environment priorities

Takover Challenge 2023

What we achieved

  • Young People of all ages providing ideas on how they can have an impact on reducing the impacts of climate change

  • Schools pledging to complete tasks to support the environment (creation of Eco – Clubs, Litter Picks, etc)

  • Development of an art piece to showcase young people’s feedback in a creative way

  • Conversation about how we can work together as young people in collaboration with decision makers for positive change around climate change reduction

Next Steps

  • Feeding back key takeaways from the Climate Summit to decision makers to help shape positive change

  • Taking part in activities to support the environment, such as Litter Picks, etc

  • Educating others through Climate Events and Workshops about the impact they can have on the environment through tasks such as using a reusable water bottle, or recycling

  • Encouraging more young people and students to make climate pledges, such as recycling or reducing the usage of sing-use plastics

Get Involved!

Liz Clarkson

My name is Liz and I am the Participation & Inclusion manager at YPS, my job is to make sure young people’s voices are heard and listened to. I support young people to meet with decision makers to challenge decisions and hopefully make change happen. In my spare time I love walking, going to the gym, travelling and shopping. I have two children who are 11 and 9 and a dog called Nyah and a cat called ranger.

 01254 298630

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