Children In Our Care (CIOC)

Voice Group

What do we do?

YPS delivers 3 youth groups/forums every Thursday for children in care at Kaleidoscope youth centre. Children in care in Blackburn with Darwen have the opportunity to have their voices heard in lots of consultations and meetings with key decision makers. They also participate in lots of fun activities such as archery, watersports, bushcraft, arts and crafts, music and residential experiences.

Children in care co-produce the corporate parenting strategy and are represented on both the corporate parenting specialist advisory group and the corporate parenting executive board. They also undertake young people’s interview panels for jobs within Children’s Services.

When do we meet?

Every Thursday at Kaleidoscope:

The Junior Voice forum - 4pm till 6pm
The Senior Voice forum - 6pm till 8pm
The Leaving Care forum - 6pm till 8pm

They also host hybrid meetings with the opportunity for care leavers to join online.

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Get Involved!

Liz Clarkson

My name is Liz and I am the Participation & Inclusion manager at YPS, my job is to make sure young people’s voices are heard and listened to. I support young people to meet with decision makers to challenge decisions and hopefully make change happen. In my spare time I love walking, going to the gym, travelling and shopping. I have two children who are 11 and 9 and a dog called Nyah and a cat called ranger.

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