We've got lots of fun and educational activities for you to print off and do whilst you are at home

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Here is an easy to read guide to what it means and how you should stay safe


What is YPS?

Young People’s Services is a borough wide service that provides quality and intensive targeted youth support to young people aged between 8 – 19 years that are referred in via Schools, Police, Children’s Social Care and various Local Authority and Voluntary Community Faith Sector partners.

The service also delivers universal Blackburn with Darwen Youth Forums and targeted participation voice groups which include "Children in our care" forums. We offer bespoke activity packages to schools and youth organisations along with the delivery of DofE and NCS programmes. Please look at for more information on these areas of work.

Positive Activities

Queens Park
Water Recreational Centre

Outdoor Activity Centre

The Bill Hunt
Canal Barge

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award

What is the SYA?

The Strategic Youth Alliance is a collaboration of numerous BwD Youth Organisations such as YPS, BRFC Trust, Blackburn Youthzone, IMO, CANW, Healthy Living. The aim of the SYA is to continue to provide quality youth provision for children and young people in Blackburn with Darwen, by working together in partnership.

Want to join?

Want to know more about how you can
get involved with the Youth Forum?